Volunteer Opportunities
Career exploration Days
SAYA seeks panelists from a diverse group of industry leaders for our annual Career Exploration Day to expose high school youth to a variety of professional paths and origin stories. Individuals speak to our youth about their educational and professional trajectories during our year-round programming.
Networking Mixers
Networking is one of the most important skills requiring practice. During these mixers, our youth network with professionals from various industries and receive feedback on their resumes and cover letter to make them stronger candidates for internships and jobs.
College Application coaching
Volunteers will work closely with SAYA youth through college and career interests and the college application process. This can include brainstorming, writing, and editing personal statements, supplementary essays, scholarship applications, and career advisement.
Enrichment Activities
Volunteers lead an enrichment activity whether it is a single event or ongoing. Activities may include yoga, dance, crafts, theater, etc. as well as joint youth-volunteer sporting events, such as a basketball tournament.