Annual SAYA Deloitte Day
By Bisma, Grade 12
The first impressive thing about Deloitte were the views from the office windows. I had never seen a view like that outside of TV shows. Our first presentation was about personal branding, and I learned that personal branding just meant being sure of what it is that you want to do or be in life, but making sure you are flexible along the way. It was as simple as that. Throughout the day, as more presenters went up on stage, I realized something I really enjoyed about Deloitte was the range of personalities of the people who work there. Everyone there speaks of their job with passion and enjoyment, and not one person seemed upset about having to come in on a Saturday to talk to a group of high school students. The most helpful part of the day was when we talked about interview skills, I hadn’t realized that small factors such as foot tapping or fidgeting actually said a lot to the interviewers. The Deloitte trip was a great experience because we all got to witness adults talking about a job they love with a company they love, something that I feel many of us aspire to have in the future.