SAYA Visits Facebook



On February 22nd SAYA’s Young Men and Young Women’s Leadership classes took a day trip to the NYC Facebook offices. This was an opportunity for us, as high school students, to explore our options for careers in the future, specifically at Facebook. The office environment was open, technological and people-friendly. The highlight of the trip, for me, was the interactive discussion we had with Facebook employees. We talked about their company and what they each do, as well as today’s society and the use of social media in the future. Speaking for my fellow peers, I would say, we were able to relate with the Facebook team on many aspects.

I was able to take away a number of things from this trip. Such as. social media should be used for a purpose that is positive and beneficial for others and even the world’s biggest social ground is still learning, like us. I also learned more about Facebook’s privacy settings. Social media is an opportunity for our voices as one whole community to change the world by a click of “like”, a “comment”, or a “share”. So use it wisely! Facebook is just one of our many canvases and we are all painters.