SAYA Youth Attend the 2018 Gaming Devs of Color Expo


On Saturday, July 14th, youth from our Young Men's Leadership Program attended the 2018 Gaming Devs of Color Expo. This day-long event featured panels and talks, with an expo hall filled with unique games made by creators of color. Below is a selection of photos and youth reflections from the event:

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"This was a fabulous trip! It was my first time going to a convention, and was a breathtaking experience. I learned quite a bit from the presentation on how not to pitch an idea, and everyone listened and showed respect to the speakers. Afterward, playing the games was a fun experience and showed all the developers that we cared about their work. Everyone had fun - it was a great day". - Paul

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"The GDOC Expo was an interesting experience. It allowed game developers of color to promote and share their games and experience in development. A lot of the developers used the culture they grew up in to design their games, which helped them to have more interesting stories and characters. My two favorite games were Zarvot and The Ultimate Clap Back." - Anesh
